The best fitness programs work like a three-legged stool. When you remove one leg, the stool won’t stand up. It’s the same with getting the results you want.

Then there’s accountability—it’s not an extra leg on the stool but the nails and glue that hold it together. I’ve found that if you have to answer to someone, you’ll thrive and be successful. 

This means keeping a list of what  you accomplished (or didn’t) throughout the week and presenting it to someone on a regular basis, and you’ll likely achieve more than if you were to do it on your own.

Checking in gives you objectivity so that you know the reality of how well you’re doing. 

Are you hitting your milestones? Great! 

Did you miss a cardio day? No worries, do it tomorrow. 

Just because you missed a day, two days or even a week doesn’t mean you throw out all your progress and stop altogether. 

It’s okay to take breaks because we’re training to feel better, not to feel worse because we didn’t do something every single day.

Training for Strength

More muscle means less fat

Cardiovascular Health

A healthy heart burns calories faster

Fuel Through Food

Protein and complex carbs make the difference

Training for Strength

More muscle means less fat

Cardiovascular Health

A healthy heart burns calories faster

Fuel Through Food

Protein and complex carbs make the difference